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Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Bringing your child for this first dental visit at a young age, before they feel nervous is one of the ways to ensure they continue to enjoy dental visits. The first visit is short and does not provide any treatment. It is to ensure that your child’s teeth and jaw are developing well and to address any questions you may have.  In this visit we discuss:

  • Correct brushing and flossing technique
  • Diet for healthy teeth and gums and jaw growth
  • Breathing and sleep issues
  • How frequently your child  should have a check up
  • Address developments and habits issues  like  tongue thrusting or thumb sucking
  • Tongue ties and functional issues

Tips to prepare your child for their dental visit:

  • Bring them with you when you come for your dental visit. This allows them to get to know us and the clinic.
  • Watch kids TV shows on trips to the dentist or read them a book on a dental visit.
  • Role play with them – by playing dentist with them at home.
  • Book a time when you are not under pressure or stressed and your child is not going to be tired.
  • Talk to them in a positive manner, about what will happen during the visit.

The team at the dental gallery is child friendly and aims to ensure that your child enjoys dental treatment. We strive to make your child feel comfortable and confident about having dental assessments and treatment. We engage in a positive manner with your children and most children look forward to their 6 monthly dental visits. Our team of dentists, oral health therapists and support staff look forward to creating positive experiences for your children.

The Dental gallery Therapy DogOur Therapy dog, Max helps us to provide a warm and inviting atmosphere at the dental gallery. He can assist our anxious patients feel at ease during their visit with his calming and affectionate influence. Read more about Max.